Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pumpkin Babe-3 Piece Set

This tut was written for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of  Arthur Crowe.
You need a license to use this art work. Please do not use without a license.
 You can find this art at his Store  HERE
Supplies Needed
I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
 Pumpkins and Candy Corn by Magik   HERE
WSL Mask 208  HERE
Xero-Porcelain and Soft Vignette
Mura Meister-Copies
AAA Foto Frames
Font of Choice, I used always forever

Drop Shadow usually V2 H2 50 black
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image  800 x 800 or a size you prefer.
Paste paper 10, apply your mask, delete and merge group, resize as needed later for your tag.

Paste frame 2, click inside with your magic wand, expand by 5, paste paper 2 or one of your choice, invert, delete, do not deselect yet, past your middle side tube if using the same one I am, delete and select none, then mirror your tube.
Duplicate, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur at 4, change the blend mode to Overlay or Hard light, which ever you prefer.
Apply the Xero filter- Porcelain first and then
Vignette with these settings
Gradient Shape-Diagonal 1
Sharp checked, Foreground colors
Diagonal Dots
0, 0, 1, 255

Open frame 3, take your free hand tool, draw around the one curly on the bottom right of the frame, paste, flip and apply the Mura Meister filter-Copies on Encircle and then resize it larger to 115, move just above the mask layer.

Close off your mask layer  and curly layer, merge visible, duplicate, resize to 50% and place down on the right side of your tag.
Now reopen your mask and curly layers.

Now on that same frame 3, (this is optional) erase it all but the pumpkins, being careful around the green stems, and place on the left side of your frame layer.

Paste the Sign and free rotate to the right at 20 degrees.
Resize the cupcake to 40%, place below the sign layer and move to the left.
Resize Halloween friends to 50%, place on the right more.
Resize the thorned candy corn to 35% and place on the right below the friends layer.

Resize the jack-o-lantern to 35%, place on the left side, duplicate, resize to 80% and place on the smaller frame picture on the right.
Resize the pumpkin cuppy to 35%, place behind the sign layer where you can see the eyes.
Resize the cartoon candy to 40%, place on the left below the sign layer.

Add any other elements you would like.

If you are going to do a Signature and Avator, do not merge just yet, wait until those are done before you merge this tag.
Then once happy with it all, close off any backgrounds, merge visible.
Resize first, then add your copyrights and name.

Signature tag
Open a new image 600 x 250, paste a paper of choice, I used paper 2.
Close off all the layers on your tag you just made except for the mask, frame, paper and tube inside frame, copy merge and paste in your new image, resize to 90%.
Now go back and open all the layers you just closed.
Copy and paste your tube, resize to 90% and place on the left side.
Paste the sign and resize to 50%, place by your tube.
Paste the pumpkin that was sitting on the small frame, move below the sign layer and adjust.
Copy the pumpkins that were cut from the other frame, place on the right side, resize to 70%, duplicate, mirror and move below your tube layer.
Resize the Halloween friends to 60%, place on the right side in front of the pumpkins.
Resize the thorned candy to 60%, place below the pumpkin layer and over a little bit to the left.
Resize the cartoon candy to 55%, mirror and place on top of the pumpkins on the right.
Resize the pumpkin cupcake with the eyes to 50%, place, duplicate and lower a little bit from the other one.
Once you have use the parts of this signature for your Avator, move the frame back in place and open your tube layer and merge visible, add frame of choice and add your copyright and name.

Frame I use was AAA-Foto Frame width 5 and Opacity at 70 for both the Signature tag and the Avator.

Avator depending on your forum or group for size.
I did this one 150 x 150
From your signature tag, close off your tube layer, move the frame layer over to the right a bit, then copy and paste into your new layer, resize to 90% and adjust to your liking, merge visible and add your copyright and name or initial and frame of choice.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.

 photo buttonforpagefall_zps98c7cc22.png 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Witch in Training

This tut was written for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of  Misticheskaya .
You need a license to use this art work. Please do not use without a license.

 You can find this art at PFD Store  HERE
Supplies Needed
I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
Ghostly Manners FTU by Angela's Creations  HERE
The kit is no longer on her blog, have no idea what she did with it.
Sorry for the problem.
Template by Dee and Kandee  Collabs  HERE
WSL_Mask 84  HERE
Oliver's Filter-Toile d' Araignee
Font Witched
Drop Shadow usually V2 H2 50 black

Open the template, duplicate and delete the credits, and the star, then go to Image, canvas size and as usual mine is 800 x 800.

Resize paper texture 70 to 84%, paste and apply your mask, delete and merge group, move below the template layers.
Green rectangle, resize paper sg3 to 84% and paste, invert delete.
Leave the orange strip as it.
Teal rectangle,  resize paper texture 55 to 84%, paste, invert, delete.
Purple oval, resize paper texture 70 to 84%, invert, delete.
Green stripe and orange circle leave as is.
Orange square, paste paper 18, apply Oliver filter-Toil d'Araignee
Leave green rectangle as it.
Teal circle, resize sg3 paper to 84%, paste, invert, delete.

Resize the tree to 60%, mirror and place off center a bit.
Resize the grass hill to 50%, place on one side, duplicate and mirror.

Resize your tube to 40%, and place on the right side.

Resize the haunted house to 10%, free rotate to the right at 10%, place on the right side behind your tube layer.

Resize the pumpkin patch to 15% and place in the center more in front of the tree.
Resize the boiling cauldron to 25% and place on the left side.
Resize the bottle to 10%, place below the cauldron layer, duplicate, move over by the witch.
Merge all the wordart together and resize to 75%, place at the bottom of your tag where you want it.
Resize the bat to 3%, duplicate however many times you would like and place where you like them.
Paste the sparkle element 2 on the left side, move below the orange circle layer.
Resize the owl to 15%, place on the upper left on the tree.

Resize the ghost to 5%, place by the house, duplicate a couple of times and place where you like.

If you are going to do a signature do not merge yet.

Add any other elements that you would like, once happy, close off any background and merge visible.
Resize first, then add your Copyrights and name and that's it.

If you want to do a signature

Open a new image 600 x 250, fill with #cb6c1a, close off your tube layer and wordart layer of your tag and paste, resize to 95% and adjust how you want it, then go back to your tag, open your tube layer, and copy and paste on the right side.
Merge visible and add a frame of choice, then add your copyright and name.
For the Avator,
size depending on your group or forum.
I did mine 150 by 200, copy the tag, resize to 75% and place how you wanted it, then merge visible, add your frame, copyright and name.
Hope you enjoyed doing this tut.
 photo buttonforpagefall_zps98c7cc22.png 

Friday, October 10, 2014


This tut was written for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of  Keith Garvey .
You need a license to use this art work. Please do not use without a license.

 You can find this art at his Store  HERE
Supplies Needed
I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
Top Cats Tagz kit BCA  HERE
Template BC 2 by Tamie HERE
Millie's PSP Madness Mask 54  HERE
Xero-Soft Vignette
Tramages-Tow the Line
Font Authentic Hilton
Drop Shadow usually V2 H2 50 black

Open the template, duplicate and delete the credits, then go to Image, canvas size and as usual mine is 800 x 800.

Paste paper of choice, I used #17 and apply your mask, delete and merge group. Resize your mask large to fit the template and move to the bottom of the template layers.
Paste element 57, move down to just above the mask layer and over to one side and place how you like it, duplicate, mirror and adjust again, erasing parts that you do not want showing.

Starting on the bottom, with raster 6, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 1, invert, delete, paste your middle size tube and adjust to your liking, delete, select none.
Apply Xero filter-Soft Vignette with these settings
Gradient shape-Diagonal 1, Check Sharp
Effect Type-Foreground color
Diagonal Dots
0, 2, 2, 255
Select raster 1,  select all, float, defloat, paste paper 4, invert, delete,  now paste your close up tube and position how you would like it, delete, select none.
Apply the Xero Filter-Soft Vignette to this tube, with the same settings.
Select raster 5, new raster layer, fill with #f864ac, then go to Effects,  Texture effects, Weave, apply with these settings
1, 10, 1 both colors white, fill gaps checked.
Select raster 3, paste paper 4, invert and delete.
Raster 10, apply a medium gradient glow with a pink color of choice.
Raster 2, new raster layer, fill with #f864ac and apply Tramages, Tow the Line.
Raster 4, paste paper 5, invert, delete, select none.
Select raster 7, new layer fill with the pink color again, paste your middle size tube and have the breast area showing, invert, delete, select none.
Apply the Xero filter-Soft Vignette with the same settings to this tube.
Paste element 34 and move toward the bottom, click inside with your magic wand, paste paper 17, invert, delete, move below the film strip,  do not deselect yet.
Paste your tube how you like for it to show, duplicate your tube before pasting and place where you want. I did the boobs in the 2 end slots and the face in the center part, using the smaller tube and the middle size tube.
Paste your full tube, mirror and move to the left more.
Resize element 49 to 50%, place on the left lower side below the wordart layer, free rotate to the left at 25, then sharpen.
Resize clock to 50% and place on the left side also.
Resize element 18 to 65%, place on the right side.
Resize element 19 to 75%, place on the right below the compact layer.
Resize element 20 to 75%, free rotate to the left at 90, place on the right by the compact.
On the pink wordart add noise at 60%.
Resize element 40 to 65%, place one on the left in front of the film strip, then duplicate, flip, mirror and place at the top.
Paste the sparkle below the tube layer, move down just a bit, duplicate, mirror, flip and adjust.
Add any other elements that you would like, once happy, close off any background and merge visible.
Resize first, then add your Copyrights and name and that's it.
Hope you enjoyed doing this tut.
 photo buttonforpagefall_zps98c7cc22.png 

Feel Your Boobies

This tut was written for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of  Spazz .
You need a license to use this art work. Please do not use without a license.

 You can find this art at Spazzd Art Store  HERE
Supplies Needed
I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
Made By Justine BCA at CM  HERE
Scroll down a little bit to get to her kit.
Template BC 4 by Tamie HERE
Millie's PSP Madness Mask 54  HERE
EyeCandy 5 Impact-Chrome or EyeCandy4000-Chrome (Optional)
EyeCandy4000-Gradient Glow
Font dDAFt-UPPER case for the name

Drop Shadow usually V2 H2 50 black

Open the template, duplicate and delete the credits, then go to Image, canvas size and as usual mine is 800 x 800.

Paste paper of choice and apply your mask, delete and merge group. Resize your mask large to fit the template and move to the bottom of the template layers.

Starting on the bottom, with raster 5 of the template, apply EyeCandy 5, Impact-Chrome, go to Basic tab and set it to indoor office space,
8.44, 64, 22.33, 0
Inside Selection checked.

Then recolor it by going to Adjust, Hue and Saturation, colorize with these settings
Hue 230,  Saturation 118.

Select raster 6, new layer, fill with #f361a8, select none, then go to Effects, Textures effects, Weave with these settings
1, 10, 1, both colors set on white.

Raster 4, select, paste paper 3, invert, delete. Apply EyeCandy 4000, gradient glow on  medium gradient in white at width of 10. Lower your opacity of your drop shadow for this to about 30.
Raster 3 of the template, paste paper 5, invert, delete.
Raster 2, paste paper 8, invert, delete.
Raster 13 apply the gradient glow but change the color to a pink.

Raster 1 apply EyeCandy-Impact-Chrome with the same settings as before, and recolor the same.
 Take your magic wand, click inside Raster 7, expand by 3, resize your tube first.
If using the same one I am, I resized it to 90% first and then paste, invert and delete, select none.
Duplicate your tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur set on 4, change the blend mode to Screen and sharpen, then apply the xero filter, Clarity.

Raster 7, paste paper 8, invert, delete,  apply a slight inner bevel to the paper with these settings, go to Effects, Inner Bevel,
Bevel 2, width 4
15, 3, 4, 0
48, 36, 42 color white
Paste the sparkle element and place how you like it.
Paste the staple, on the lower left and then duplicate and move up and over some, refer to my tag for placement, then recolor with the Hue and Saturation as before.

Resize your tube to 45%, if using the same one I am and place on the right side under the wordart layers. Apply the xero filter-Clarity to the tube.

Resize the cupcake to 40%, place on the left side.
Resize the tennis shoes to 40% and place on the left side also.
Resize the teddy to 40%, place on the right bottom side to cover the legs of your tube.
Resize label 1 to 40%, place at the top, just left of your tube.
Resize lips 1 to 20%, free rotate to the right at 15% and place by the label.

Resize bow 1 to 40%, free rotate to the left at 10 and place on the upper left on the frame.

Add the Inner Bevel setting as before to your pink wordart, then add noise to the white background of the wordart at 60%.

Add any other elements that you would like, once happy, close off any background and merge visible.
Resize first, then add your Copyrights and name and that's it.
Hope you enjoyed doing this tut.
 photo buttonforpagefall_zps98c7cc22.png